Smoker's Inferno: A Quitter's Journal

Follow me on a self-centred journey of self-discovery and self-loathing.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Mitzzee, famed composer of Ooh La La, has asked a valid and thought-provoking question: Why am I trying to quit? This was followed by a reasonable and accurate observation, "You certainly don't appear to be enjoying it."

She's right of course. I'm enjoying this entire futile exercise about as much as I'd enjoy being smothered in jerk sauce and thrown to a pack of rabid Bahamian dogs. That being said, the torturous road I'm travelling seems to offer a certain edge to my words, an edge that some, and I hope many, will find amusing and entertaining. Let's face it, the public suffering of others sells tickets, as perfectly exemplified by reality television.

But back to the question. Originally, my attempt was born of an agreement with a co-worker of mine, as noted In the beginning... It was to last a month, and, coincidentally, today is day 30. And while overall I've managed to somewhat lower my consumption of nicotine, anti-smoking advocates are not beating down my door in search of their next poster boy.

So now what?

Do I continue this whole hackneyed process as nothing more than a simple writing exercise or just fold up tent and call it a day?

Perhaps I can continue with my not-so-serious list of distracting activities, as begun in Instead of smoking, why not...

I think I'll have a smoke and think on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're hilarious! and yes, go have a smoke. you'll feel better. ;)

June 02, 2005 4:07 p.m.  
Blogger kennedy said...

Mitzzee - You were right!

Jooles - Thanks for the encouragement, and some inspiration -- 'stuggles' has now been immortalized at the Northern Clack blog.

June 06, 2005 3:51 p.m.  
Blogger kennedy said...

Hey Jooles,
The NC blog can be found at or accessed from mine or Carmine's profiles. It doesn't get updated as often as we'd like though.

As for Carm's blogging habits, we are currently discussing a couple of projects. Stay tuned. Other than that, I will try to lead by example, as I am somewhat of a hero to him.

June 07, 2005 4:24 p.m.  

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